Coming Soon!
Online volunteer scheduling
Volunteers at the Center come from many groups: Local Lions clubs, high school honor students, Boy and Girl Scouts, local church volunteers or people with required community service hours or folks who just want to help. The Center is a good place to meet new people and make new friends.
LERCNOVA Operating Locations are:
Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center of Northern Virginia at the Mason District Government Building Office of Supervisor Andres Jimenez, 6507 Coumbia Pike, Annandale, VA. Current operating days and hours are Tuesdays and Saturdays, 2:00 to 5:00 pm. Please see the Volunteer Scheduling page (when activated) to schedule time or email, call or text Lion Pam, Operations Manager at (703) 671-1919, lercnova@gmail.com to make an appointment.
Lake of the Woods Lions Club in Fredericksburg, VA. Please contact Lion Ron at (540) 406-9258. Info: lowlions.org/programs.
Park West Lions Club in Manassas, VA. Please Contact Lion Evelyn at (703) 969-2722.
Remington Lions Club in Remington, VA. Please Contact Lion Curtis at (540) 522-1891.
Northern Shenandoah Valley, Clark County, VA. Please contact Lion Greg Hart or PCC Sharon Hart at (540) 955-6229.
Additional volunteer opportunities supporting the eyeglass recycling center are available at:
Lions District 22-C Eyeglass Recycling Center near Andrews AFB in Maryland. Please Contact Lion Betty at (301) 742-6096 or Lion Susan at (301) 297-8791.