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LERCNOVA, Inc. is a Virginia chartered non-profit, tax-exempt foundation organized under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions, including eyeglasses, are tax deductible. Our tax I.D. Number is 81-3035171. One hundred percent of all donations go to our program.
Monetary donations may be sent to:
Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center of Northern Virginia, Inc.
Eyeglasses may be dropped off at the Recycling Center located at LERCNOVA, Mason District Government Center, Office of Supervisor Andres Jimenez, 6507 Columbia Pike, Annandale VA 22003. Glasses may be dropped off 24/7 in the bin in the lobby. Please leave a note with the donor's name, address and telephone number so we may send an ackowledgement and receipt.
Eyeglass Donations:
You can also donate eyeglasses by depositing them in a Lions Club collection box at various locations within the area, by mailing them to the Center, or by dropping them off at the Center. We also recycle hearing aids and forward them on to the Lions Hearing Aid Bank Foundation.
If shipping by UPS or FedEx, please indicate a “shipper’s release,” that is, instructions to UPS or FedEx to deliver the package without requiring a signature.
We appreciate each donation we receive and thank all of you who have supported this project.